🧲How does IPFS overcome the disadvantages of HTTP?
1️⃣Avoid server dependency
🔸IPFS completely ignores the concept of the server, but only cares about the search content. This helps us to shorten the path to information and not worry about encountering low-quality, unreliable servers.
2️⃣No more centralized model
🔸With today’s Internet model, most of the information and data is acquired by big companies like Amazon, Google, Yahoo,… This leads to problems like companies openly blocking the services they use. does not want you to access, or sell user data to, advertisers.
🔸With IPFS’s distributed website model, these problems are completely overcome and there is no longer a hierarchical management mode.
3️⃣Reduce costs
🔸You may not know it, but the data used in the HTTP protocol is in fact very expensive. Data providers are allowed to charge high fees for hit content on the Internet.
🔸With a different way of working, IFPS will allow data to be downloaded completely to the IFPS intranet no matter who you are and where you are. Eliminates the need for numerous Internet docking stations and servers, resulting in a marked reduction in overall costs.
🚀The future of Hora OS is inextricably linked with the future of IPFS. We are actively testing some of the most advanced features of IPFS.
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